A MAN who had been deported from the UK was caught at Fishguard Port attempting to board a ferry to Ireland.

Prosecutor Emily Bennett told Swansea Crown Court that Lukas Citavicius was issued with a deportation order on May 22, 2022.

However, on May 29 of this year, the 26-year-old was found at Fishguard Port attempting to board a ferry to Rosslare.

“The defendant stated he had been in the UK for one month when he was discovered,” she said.

Citavicius was arrested and was taken to Haverfordwest Police Station.

The defendant told officers he had returned to the UK for family reasons, but that he was trying to leave the county so he could return to Lithuania.

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“Why was he going to the Republic of Ireland?,” Judge Huw Rees asked.

“The defendant decided it was the safest route for him,” said Dan Griffiths, appearing for Citavicius.

“He was less likely to be discovered going that way.”

Mr Griffiths told the court that Citavicius only came back to the UK as he was concerned for his mother’s health.

He did this “only after his attempts to get her to return to Lithuania fell on deaf ears”, Mr Griffiths said.

Citavicius was keen to return to Lithuania with his wife and children, where he was employed and they had settled. Mr Griffiths added that Citavicius’ mother’s condition had also improved and she was also planning to move to Lithuania.

“He simply wishes to return to Lithuania to return to life with his family,” Mr Griffiths said.

“It’s noteworthy he was detained attempting to leave the UK.”

The court heard that Citavicius, of no fixed abode, had seven previous convictions for 12 offences.

“The illegal entry in to this country is a matter of great concern,” Judge Rees said.

“The sooner you leave the country, the better.”

Judge Rees sentenced Citavicius to two months in prison. He added that the sentence was to minimise the burden on the British taxpayer, and said that the deportation order would be enforced “immediately” after that sentence has been served.