Farming union members in Mid and South Pembrokeshire constituencies will have the opportunity to quiz their parliamentary candidates at an upcoming county general election hustings.

At the event, held jointly with Pembrokeshire Young Farmers and FUW, which will take place at the NFU Cymru office, Agriculture House, Haverfordwest, SA61 1RW on Monday, 17th June at 7pm, members will get the chance to hear from the Mid and South Pembrokeshire general election candidates about their policies surrounding agriculture.

Pembrokeshire NFU Cymru County Chairman, Simon Davies, said: “I look forward to welcoming our political party candidates for the area along to our hustings. With the ever-changing political climate, it will be great to hear from them about how they plan to represent the people of Mid & South Pembrokeshire should they get elected in July.

"The meeting is open to all NFU Cymru members so please come along and hear what they have to say.”

NFU Cymru have already published a list of asks for candidates.

The union has published its manifesto for the 2024 Westminster general election, outlining the union’s priorities for the next UK Government to help support farmers and rural communities in Wales.

With the next UK Government deciding the overall budget for Welsh farming, the NFU Cymru 2024 General Election Manifesto sets out three clear asks of the next government in relation to funding:

• A clear undertaking to provide a UK agricultural support budget for the length of the next parliament – a ring-fenced multi-annual agricultural budget through to the next election

• A commitment to look afresh at the budgetary allocation provided to support UK agriculture in order to restore its real terms value which has been significantly eroded by inflation

• Welsh farming now needs a budget of over £500m annually to take account of inflation and to help ensure that the industry’s ambitions for food, nature and climate can be met.

NFU Cymru President Aled Jones said: “Government investment in agriculture provides stability to farm businesses and is crucial to maintaining the supply of safe, high quality and affordable food. Our ability as a nation to feed itself is of growing importance in a world which is increasingly unstable as conflict rages in many parts of the world, supply chains are increasingly stressed and our climate changes.”