A local lifeboat has issued a vital safety message after being launched to a yacht taking on water off the Pembrokeshire coast.

Fishguard All Weather Lifeboat Crew was launched to the aid of the 30 foot yacht in trouble off Dinas Head following a request from HM Coastguard.

The vessel was taking on water and had issued an urgent call for help at around 11am on Saturday, June 8.

As the lifeboat was launching the yacht’s crew confirmed that the ingress of water was under control.

The lifeboat met with the vessel off Dinas Head and escorted it into Goodwick Harbour where it stood by until confirmation that it was no longer taking on water.

The crew of the yacht has been commended for owning and using a VHF radio to inform HM Coastguard and other vessels in the area of the potential need for assistance and to update on the situation.

“All water users are advised to carry a means of making contact in an emergency,” said a spokesperson for Fishguard RNLI.

“This could be a personal VHF or mobile phone in a waterproof pouch and should be kept within reach at all times.

“In an emergency contact HM Coastguard on VHF Channel 16 or dial 999 or 112 and ask for coastguard.”

This was the second launch within 38 hours for Fishguard having also launched to assist in the search for a missing person in the water at Cardigan on the night of June 6.