Martletwy's community beacon was lit at 9.15pm on Thursday, June 6 to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

A small crowd gathered at Cleddau View Farm  to celebrate the allied liberation of Europe, while remembering those who lost their lives during World War Two.

 Oriel James offered up his field for the beacon as it has a 360 degree view of the area and can be seen for many miles around.

Local farmer and community councillor Phil Eynon organised the proceedings and provided the wood. He also had the honour of lighting the beacon. This beacon was initially kindled to celebrate the late Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

Thousands of troops from across the world stormed the beaches of Normandy on 6 June 1944, to free Europe from Nazi oppression. Di Clements, the local county councillor, reverently read the National Tribute immediately before the beacon was lit.

There was a moment of reflection for everyone present.

“We are extremely proud of our wartime heritage, and it is so important to recognise and remember the courageous, selfless efforts and sacrifices of those who participated in World War Two,” said Cllr Clements.