Hundreds of people lined the streets of Britain’s smallest city this weekend to share one message- loud and clear- that St David’s Surgery must be saved from closure.

There are questions over the future of the much-loved local surgery after it was announced that the surgery’s solo GP will resign the General Medical Services contract, from October 31, this year.

Western Telegraph:

The Western Telegraph has seen a letter sent to thousands of patients at the surgery from the health board.

This says that the panel considering the contract termination has recommended a ‘managed dispersal’ of St Davids patients. Mostly to Solva surgery but also to the surgeries at Fishguard and Haverfordwest as distance dictates.

The goes onto say that no decision has been made at the moment and consultation with patients is ongoing.

Western Telegraph:

Speaking last month, assistant director of primary care for Hywel Dda UHB, Rhian Bond, said: "We would like to reassure the patients that we are working to find a sustainable solution for how services can continue to be delivered locally to patients after October."

St Davids residents want the health board to take over running the surgery in St Davids, rather than sending patients miles away to get care.

“We have an outstanding surgery here in St Davids and want to do everything we can to save it,” said local resident Sarah Saunders.

Western Telegraph:

The issue of the surgery was top of the agenda at this month’s meeting of St Davids City Council, attended by more than 150 local residents.

Councillors discussed a motion to support the Save The St Davids Surgery Campaign to formally establish St Davids City Council’s commitment to facilitating active participation, and to emphasise the urgency of research and decisive action.

Days later St Davids unveiled huge banners declaring ‘Save St Davids Surgery’ displayed in prominent positions in the city including above High Street, and outside the surgery, City Hall and the playing fields

Around 250 people turned up to the banner unveiling, many with homemade Save our Surgery banners, showing the strength of feeling among local people.

Locals are now urged to turn up en-masse to this week’s drop-in consultation session run by Hywel Dda University Health Board.

The drop-in event takes place at City Hall this Friday, June 14 from 2pm to 7pm.

“We need our Surgery. We do not want to be dispersed to Fishguard, Haverfordwest or even Solva,” said Save our Surgery group member Paul Sage.

Western Telegraph:

Patients can also contribute to the consultation by completing a questionnaire available at St David’s Surgery, calling 0300 303 8322 and selecting option 5 for ‘other services’, emailing, or directly providing feedback to Llais the patient voice organisations for Wales.