A Sunderland flying boat, intricately created by a local WI member, has winged its way to the Pembroke Dock Heritage Centre.

Using fabrics and the applique method, Geraldine Phillips, of Pembroke Dock WI, built up a stunning image of a Sunderland in flight. Now framed, this has been donated to the Centre.

Explained Geraldine: “Several years ago, there were ideas for a flag for Pembroke Dock WI and drawings were made by the late Mike Rowe. I used these to create the Sunderland image and it has been in my house since then.

“I am delighted that it has found the perfect home at the Heritage Centre which has such a focus upon our town’s long connections with the Sunderland flying boats.”

Joining Geraldine for the presentation was Councillor Pam George, a fellow WI member and a town council appointed trustee on the Pembroke Dock Heritage Trust.

Geraldine Phillips hands over her Sunderland to David Howell, the Heritage Centre’s community engagement officer. With them is Councillor Pam George.