Musical friendships across the Haven were renewed when Neyland Ladies Choir were invited to join Pembroke and District Male Voice choristers for a concert at Tabernacle Chapel, Pembroke.

Each choir performed eight items in a very enjoyable and varied programme, and came together at the start with Rachie.

The concert, arranged by male voice chorister Gareth Hopkins, raised over £350 for the Community First Responders charity, represented on the night by co-ordinator Tony Wall and colleagues Heather Bowen-Hawkes, Angharad Hodgson, Craig Sutton and Steve Bradfield.

During the interval, Tony explained the roles of the volunteer First Responders in support of, and trained by, the Ambulance Service. From just three members in 2009, they are now 40 strong.

Musical directors Juliet Rossiter, for the male voice choir, and Lynne Kelleher, for Neyland Ladies, were supported by accompanists Carole Rees and Miranda Davies.

Soloist for Neyland Ladies, Alison Davies, delighted with You are the Wings Beneath my Feet,while the male voice’s principal soloist and flautist, Alyson Griffiths, played On my Own and again joined with first tenor Matthew John in a duet of a medley of musical and wartime songs.

Matthew, as MC, especially welcomed Tenby Male Voice chorister Duncan Hilling, who at 98 is three years senior to the host choir’s Frank Harries, who is 95.

Duncan joined for the choir’s final item, African Prayer, before the high note ending for both choirs counter singing well-remembered World War I songs.