A WOMAN flew into a rage and stabbed her boyfriend twice after they ran out of milk, a court heard.

Melissa Eynon, 32, of Hill Street in Haverfordwest, attacked her now former partner on February 3 with a kitchen knife with a four-inch blade.

Hannah George, prosecuting, told Swansea Crown Court that Eynon had been in a relationship with her partner for around six months.  

“Both recognise the relationship was difficult and volatile at times,” she said.

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The couple woke up on the afternoon of February 3, and her partner went downstairs to make himself some cereal and her a cup of tea.

When she came downstairs, she saw there was no milk.

Ms George said Eynon picked up a kitchen knife and moved towards her partner, who raised his hands up to protect his face.

She first stabbed him in the hand, and then in the right forearm – with the knife lodging in his arm.

“After she stabbed him, she smirked,” Ms George said.

Her partner pulled the knife out and was bleeding heavily, but didn’t seek medical help as he said he was concerned about what would happen to the defendant’s daughter if he reported the incident.

He left and went to a shop, where he had his wound cleaned and bandaged, before heading to Morrisons to pick up more milk.

When he returned, he tried to calm Eynon down, but was unsuccessful.

On February 6, he reported the incident to the police. When officers went to Eynon’s address, there was “a strong smell of bleach” coming from the kitchen and the floor was noticeably cleaner than other rooms in the house. The knife had been washed up and was on the drying rack.

The officers also noticed spots of blood in the kitchen and found a pair of bloodstained pyjamas.

In her police interview, Eynon accepted that she had been holding a knife, but denied stabbing her partner – claiming instead that she was cutting bagels.

Eynon told police “I would’ve stabbed him a long time ago if I was going to stab him”, claiming that he “took the p***” out of her, lived rent-free with her and had been unfaithful.

The defendant, who had four previous convictions for five offences, pleaded guilty to an offence of unlawful wounding.

James Hartson, in mitigation, described the couple’s relationship as “not just volatile but something that was completely toxic”.

He said the incident was “impulsive and short-lived”.

“She has expressed remorse, despite the nature of their relationship,” he told the court.

“I accept you had a torrid history with a former partner and things came to a head on that occasion when he had used your milk,” said Recorder Greg Bull KC.

“However, if we all took knives to our partners for drinking too much milk, the world would be in a sorry state.”

Recorder Bull sentenced Eynon to 13 months and two weeks, suspended for 18 months. She must complete 150 hours of unpaid work and 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days.