A formal scheme for 67 affordable homes in a Pembrokeshire village by housing group Ateb has been submitted to county planners.

Back in January, agent Evans Banks Planning Limited – on behalf of Ateb Group Limited - undertook a Pre-Application Consultation process for the construction of a residential development of 67 dwelling houses, access road and associated infrastructure at land off The Kilns, Llangwm.

It said: “The consultation represents a proposal for the construction of a varied mix of housing including semi-detached houses and detached and semi-detached bungalows.  The development will be built in a series of cul-de-sac formations which utilises the gentle contours of the site.”

A supporting statement by Evans Banks Planning said: “The site has the benefit of outline planning permission for an indicative total of 54 dwellinghouses, granted on November 2, 2022. The parameters and layout of that approved, indicative scheme have been examined and given full consideration as part of this detailed, current proposal.”

It added: “The site will provide a majority of social-rented units with a total of 32 units to be provided, with a further 19 for intermediate rent. The remaining 16 units are geared to shared ownership.

“The scheme proposes 100 per cent affordable housing over a scheme of 67 units, in excess that required under LDP Policy and the 2022 outline planning permission. The proposed scheme is offering a broad range of house and bungalow types, and with tenures balanced in favour of social rented units, together with shared home ownership.”

The proposals have undergone considerable revision, the applicants say; a supporting statement with the formal application adding: “The proposals also seek to ensure that new dwellings [are] respectful of neighbouring residential properties, and in particular the detached dwellings which share a rear garden boundary with the application site at Gail Rise.”

The scheme will be considered by county planners at a later date.