The founder of an award-winning local charity has been recognised for her hard work this month, with an invitation to the King’s garden party at Buckingham Palace.

Mollie Roach is the founder of  Solva Care, a local charity that aims to enable older residents to stay in their own homes and remain part of the community.

The registered charity was initially set up by Solva Community Council in 2015 when Mollie was a community councillor.

It aims to offer friendly, local support and help to those who need it in the village and surrounding area and through doing so, help combat loneliness, isolation and social disadvantage, and provide extra support for carers.

The charity also organises physical, cultural and other activities, which are open to all.

Solva Care provides support through 45 local volunteers who in turn are supported by a co-ordinator and trustee board.

Solva Care’s 5 year’s funding from the National Lottery came to an end this. However, due to the generosity of people in the community the charity has saved enough money to maintain the current service until September 2024, for which it is extremely grateful.

The charity is currently exploring alternative grants and the possibility of extending the Solva Care model across the peninsula.

A new scheme for people to regularly support the charity has also been launched where people can become a Friend of Solva Care by donating any amount from large to small monthly or annually via standing order.

“It was a splendid event despite the weather,” said Mollie of the tea party in the grounds of Buckingham Palace.