A SEX offender who was twice kicked off of a programme designed to rehabilitate sex offenders due to “poor compliance” has been jailed for breaching two suspended sentences.

Daniel Tyler, 34, has been serving two suspended sentence orders, but was brought before Swansea Crown Court after missing several appointments and attempting to change his record to avoid a penalty for a missed appointment.

Tyler had been handed a one-year sentence, suspended for two years, in January last year after admitting four offences of attempted sexual communication with a child. He was also ordered to complete a rehabilitation activity requirement and the Horizon programme, was made the subject of a 10-year sexual harm prevention order, and was added to the sex offender register for the same period.

The defendant was back in court on March 2, 2023, where he was sentenced to a 12-month conditional discharge for harassment and criminal damage. He also had an unpaid work requirement added to his previous suspended sentence.

And in February this year, Tyler was sentenced to four months, suspended for 18 months, for taking a kitchen knife to Haverfordwest Police Station in a “cry for help”. Tyler was also ordered to complete 150 hours of unpaid work, as well as 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days on each suspended sentence.

On Wednesday, prosecutor Alycia Carpanini told the court that Tyler had failed to attend appointments for the Horizon programme and had demonstrated “unacceptable behaviour” by changing details on his office appointment slip in an attempt to cover up a missed appointment.

“He’s now been removed from the Horizon programme,” she said.

The court heard that Tyler had completed all 140 hours of unpaid work for his first suspended sentence and 11 of the 45 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

On the second order, Tyler had completed 16-and-a-half of the 150 hours of unpaid work and four of the 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

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Ms Carpanini said the probation service reported Tyler’s “poor compliance” on both of his suspended sentence orders – with a total of 14 missed appointments on the first and eight missed appointments on the second.

She told the court that Tyler had been kicked off the Horizon programme for the first time in August 2023, and that he was now unable to be accepted on to the scheme again after being removed for a second time.

“He’s not motivated to address these issues,” the probation service said.

Ms Carpanini said that Tyler had also made comments about having “daily sexual urges towards children” and that he was “attending a school daily at home time to watch children”. He then told police officers that he made these comments “in an attempt to get support”.

Dan Griffiths, in mitigation, said: “The defendant does maintain that he made those disclosures to get mental health treatment.”

Mr Griffiths admitted the facts of the case were “probably as damning as it gets”.

“The primary purpose of the original order is to treat an obvious issue,” he said. “It will be a concern to the court that that issue has not been dealt with.

“Mr Tyler is nothing but realistic. He knows that he’s been given several opportunities to comply with the order.”

Judge Geraint Walters said: “You have driven the court in to a position whereby, even if it wanted to, it’s impossible to give you another chance.”

Tyler was jailed for a total of a year, after Judge Walters activated eight months from the first suspended sentence, and the full four months for the second suspended sentence.