They say if you want something done, then ask a busy person – and the new Mayor of Pembroke is just that.

Mother-of-five Ann Mortenson has just taken on the scarlet robes of office to become the 645th mayor of the castle town.

She joined Pembroke Town Council just before the outbreak of Covid-19 and represents the St Mary’s North ward.

She has lived in the Pembroke, Pembroke Dock and Lamphey areas for 48 years and is involved in many local organisations.

“I love helping people, whatever the need is, and young and old,” said Ann.

As well as being a Beaver leader for the 4th Lamphey Scout Group, the new mayor is a street pastor, a member of Messy Church in Pembroke and the churchwarden for the Local Ministry Area Council.

She is also a governor of Grove and Monkton schools - helping with the latter’s after-school -  and a trustee of the Foundry House where she helps with the Warm Rooms initiative and collects surplus food from the Co-op.

Ann said it was ‘a great honour’ to be able to serve the people of Pembroke as their mayor.

In a message to townspeople, she said: "I will make every effort to listen to your concerns and by working together, we can continue to ensure that Pembroke is a town to be proud of.

"For my mayoral year, I have chosen to support the charity Mind and I hope to arrange various events during my year and hope that you will support them.

"My warmest and best wishes to you all."