A washing line bearing 14 items of children's clothing was a poignant feature of the 27th vigil by the West Wales Friends of Palestine at the weekend.

As part of Saturday's vigil in Guildhall Square, Carmarthen, calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, the Friends created the washing line as a reminder of the children who have died in the conflict.

In the last seven months, there have been 14,500 children killed in Gaza, so one item was pegged on the washing line for every 1,000 children who have died.

Sue Davies, a spokesperson for the group, said ‘We are grateful for all the support that local people have given to our vigils, including signing our petition, donating money (which we have sent to Medical Aid for Palestine) and joining in the vigil.

"We will continue to be here every Saturday between 2pm and 3pm in Guildhall Square, Carmarthen until a permanent ceasefire happens."