A cold water swimmer has been airlifted from a Pembrokeshire beach suffering with breathing difficulties following a swim.

Coastguards, lifeboats and an air ambulance were tasked to the aid of the 63-year-old woman who was struggling to breathe following a swim at Watwick Beach.

Western Telegraph: An air ambulance, lifeboat and coastguards were tasked to the aid of the woman who got into trouble

Angle All-Weather Lifeboat was requested to launch at 3.29pm on Thursday afternoon to provide medical assistance the woman.

With access to the beach difficult, the lifeboat was requested to make best speed to the area and transfer casualty care trained crew members onshore with a view of potentially evacuating the casualty by boat.

Once on scene, the lifeboat’s inflatable Y boat was launched and made its way into the beach.

Western Telegraph: An air ambulance, lifeboat and coastguards were tasked to the aid of the woman who got into trouble

The crew arrived on scene at the exact same time as the first paramedic. Lifeboat crew members set about reassuring the swimmer and ensuring she was comfortable and warm while the paramedic began an assessment. At this point, members of Dale Coastguard Rescue Team also arrived on scene.

Shortly after, the Air Ambulance arrived and, following a quick check that the area was suitable, the helicopter swiftly landed on the beach.

Western Telegraph: An air ambulance, lifeboat and coastguards were tasked to the aid of the woman who got into trouble

The helicopter’s onboard doctor and paramedic immediately started to assess the woman and an evacuation plan was formulated.

Because of the difficulties accessing the beach, it was decided that the most suitable option would be to quickly walk the casualty to the aircraft and convey her to Withybush airport where an ambulance would be waiting.

The lifeboat crew assisted with moving the swimmer before packing up any remaining kit and then returning to the All-Weather Lifeboat to recover.

Western Telegraph: An air ambulance, lifeboat and coastguards were tasked to the aid of the woman who got into trouble

With no further assistance required, the lifeboat and her crew were stood down with thanks where she returned to station and was readied for further service by 5pm.