GREEN-FINGERED volunteers are being sought to help plant 500 trees to transform an area of disused Pembrokeshire pasture into a wildlife haven.  

Pembrokeshire Natural Burials, near the village of Keeston, is to plant the saplings, which have been provided by the Woodland Trust charity, on the weekend of February 10 and 11.

The landowner of the site, Sarah Wickham, has invited members of the community to get involved in creating the brand new deciduous woodland.

Western Telegraph: A tree planting event will take place at Pembrokeshire Natural Burials.A tree planting event will take place at Pembrokeshire Natural Burials. (Image: Pembrokeshire Natural Burials)

Ms Wickham explained how the family-friendly tree-planting weekend would create a positive legacy for the area.

“One of the fantastic things about planting a woodland is that people will be able to see it grow over the decades and take satisfaction in their role in helping nature to thrive in their neighbourhood,” she said.

“We’re encouraging everyone in the local community to come along and assist in what is sure to be a lovely event. Parents, children, church and charity groups - anybody really who can spare a few hours to help put saplings in the ground will be greatly appreciated.

“I also welcome people to register their interest as soon as possible as this will help with the planning of the event.”

Western Telegraph: A view of Pembrokeshire Natural Burials.A view of Pembrokeshire Natural Burials. (Image: Pembrokeshire Natural Burials)

In addition to tree planting, there will be a nature hunt and other wildlife-related activities for children. Alongside this, refreshments, including cake, biscuits and hot and cold drinks, will be provided.

A Leedam Natural Burials site, Pembrokeshire Natural Burials opened in 2020 as part of a farm diversification project. Ms Wickham, who is also a funeral celebrant, has worked with naturalists to increase wildflowers and insects on the land.

The new woodland will create a home for a wide range of wildlife, including birds such as Nuthatches, Treecreepers and Goldcrests.

To register interest in volunteering during the tree planting days on February 10 or 11, please contact Ms Wickham via: 07780 764715 or