A WELSH broadband provider has installed broadband into more than 100,000 premises across the south of Wales.

An Ofcom Connected Nations report has shown that Ogi – the only telecoms provider dedicated to Wales – has become a major catalyst in Wales’ quest for full fibre broadband coverage nationwide.

Ogi has spent two and a half years on installing full fibre broadband across the south of Wales in underserved communities and in the first phase of the multi-million-pound rollout, has installed broadband in more than 100,000 premises, close to reaching the 160,000 that was initially planned. This includes various parts of Pembrokeshire on the local network exchange.

The Ofcom report shows that full fibre coverage is now at around 55 per cent in Wales, up from 19 per cent just a few years ago. Whilst this is not all just down to Ogi, it has quickly gained a reputation for its Wales-based credentials and is consistently being rated ‘excellent’ on Trustpilot.

In 2024, the internet service provider is planning to launch a new seven-day customer care service which would make support available later in the evening and on weekends. There will also be a new self-help section on the Ogi website which will provide popular content and in-depth tips as well as offering customers more ways to access support.

Ben Allwright, Ogi’s chief executive officer, said: “We’ve built a strong recognisable brand in a very competitive marketplace in the last few years, and it’s great to see the Connected Nations report acknowledging our part in speeding up some of Wales’ most rural parts.

“We’re here for the long run; working closely with local authorities, our construction partners and investors to make sure Wales has the best, most affordable full fibre broadband services for now, and long into the future.”

More than 10,000 customers have signed up to Ogi’s alternative full fibre network, particularly in rural settings where there is often little to no existing fibre infrastructure.

Sally-Anne Skinner, Ogi’s chief revenue officer, said: “Our flagship 6 months free offer has helped people access faster broadband speeds much sooner than they might have – something we’re really proud of. And it’s really helped shape our presence in the communities we’re investing in.

“Now, as we enter a more competitive marketplace, we want to become a real challenger to the usual suspects, turning the status quo on its head. Almost two thirds of the way through our initial rollout plan, we’re a household name and ready to go even further.”