WALES’ ban on snares comes into force today – Tuesday, October 17 under the Agriculture (Wales) Act.

The ban – which Wales is the first nation in the UK to implement – puts an end to a six-year campaign by animal welfare charity League Against Cruel Sports to ban the use of the traps, which has been hailed by the charity.

Under the Act, the use of what the charity describes as ‘cruel and indiscriminate’ animal traps is now illegal. This includes both snare traps and glue traps.

Shahinoor Alom, League Against Cruel Sports’ public affairs officer in Wales, said: “We are delighted to be able to celebrate the banning of snares in Wales today, and the end of our six-year campaign. The ban shows the Welsh Government’s commitment to strong animal welfare standards, reflects the views of the Welsh public and is a fantastic result for wildlife in Wales.

“Wales is leading the way in reducing the cruelty and suffering that animals face and paving the way for similar bans in both Scotland and England, with the Scottish Parliament set to debate the issue this autumn.”

Snares are wire nooses that tighten around their victims and are predominantly used by shooting industry gamekeepers to trap wildlife on land where non-native pheasants and partridges are released for shooting.

Western Telegraph: Snare traps are now banned in WalesSnare traps are now banned in Wales (Image: Wild Moors)

Defra figures showed that up to 51,000 of the snares were hidden at any one time in the Welsh countryside, with almost three quarters of the animals caught in the traps are hares, badgers, otters and even pets which are not the intended target species. A YouGov poll in Wales in January 2021 showed 78 per cent of the Welsh public wanted snares to be made illegal.

Lesley Griffiths, Welsh Government’s rural affairs minister, said: “This is a historic day for animal welfare. We strive for the very highest standards of animal welfare in Wales, and the use of snares and glue traps are incompatible with what we want to achieve.

“Many animals will now be spared the most terrible suffering as a result of this ban. I’m proud Wales is the first of the UK nations to introduce such a move.

“The banning of snares and glue traps is not about preventing predator or rodent control. There are other more humane ways to do this.

“I’d like to thank all our partners who’ve worked hard to bring this ban about, and I look forward to continuing to ensure we have the very highest standards of animal welfare n Wales.”

Shahinoor added: “It’s time for change, and for the Scottish Parliament and Westminster to follow Wales’ lead.

“We also need to ensure that the ban is being adhered to, so we are calling on the Welsh public to play their part by being vigilant and report any sighting of these barbaric devices.”

Anyone in Wales who sees a snare should report it to their local police force and