TWO Pembrokeshire men were recently in court for driving vehicles in an unsuitable condition.

Brett Anthony Lesman, 33, of Castle Street, Pennar, Pembroke Dock, was found guilty of driving an unsuitable vehicle by Llanelli Magistrates Court on September 8.

He was caught on February 3 driving a Ford Focus on Ferry Lane, Pembroke Dock, when the percentage of visual transmission of light through windows other than the windscreen was less than it should have been.

The visual transmission of light through the front nearside window was 25 per cent when by law it should be at least 70 per cent. The visual transmission of light through the front offside window was 27 per cent when it should be at least 70 per cent by law.

He was ordered to pay £220 fine, £88 surcharge and £90 costs.

Aaron George Sutton, 35, of Anson Way, Sageston, Tenby, was found guilty of a motoring offence involving a trailer by Llanelli Magistrates Court on September 8.

He was caught on February 3 driving a Ford Transit on the A477 London Road, Pembroke Dock. He was pulling a trailer at the time but there was no device fitted to stop the trailer automatically in the event of separation from the main coupling between the vehicle and trailer whilst the trailer was in motion.

He was ordered to pay £440 fine, £176 surcharge and £90 costs.