A toast to the future success of Pembrokeshire's independent brewery and pub trade has been raised in the light of the UK Government's new boost for the businesses.

From the start of August, over 38,000 UK pubs and bars have had a tax cut on the pints they pull to help them compete on a level playing field with supermarkets.

The support for the drinks and hospitality industry also includes changes to the alcohol duty system which sees drinks taxed by strength for the first time and a new relief – named Small Producer Relief – to help small businesses and start-ups create new drinks, innovate and grow.

Local Senedd Member Samuel Kurtz recently visited the family-run Tenby Harbwr Brewery to raise a glass to its success 

With the UK Government’s tax cut for 38,000 pubs, the simplification of alcohol duty and a new Small Producers Relief, the visit made a great opportunity to discuss these changes and their impact, said Samuel.

He added: “Small independent breweries only thrive when love, care, and attention to detail are put into every single brew. That’s why Harbwr is such a success and draws revellers from all over to enjoy their beers in Tenby, or to order online via their website.

“Our local economy is made stronger by entrepreneurs, and here in Pembrokeshire we have some of the very best.

"With changes from the UK Government to support breweries and pubs, and the fantastic beers and pubs we have to offer, I hope we can all raise a glass to toast the great work they do in our local economy and local community.”

Barry Watts from the Society of Independent Brewers described the new rulings as 'the most significant changes to the alcohol duty system for generations'.

He said that the changes would have 'far-reaching implications' for what customers order in the pub and what appears on the shop shelves.

He added: "It is the culmination of five years of consultation on the future of Small Breweries’ Relief – a scheme that has made the huge growth of craft breweries possible over the past twenty years. These changes will finally address the 'cliff edge' which was a barrier to small breweries growing and build on the scheme’s success by applying it to other alcoholic products below 8.5 per cent.

“A key part of the new system is the draught duty relief, which is a gamechanger for the sector and allows for the first time a different duty to be paid for what is sold to our pubs.

"This will hopefully over time encourage more people to support their pubs which are at the heart of our local communities.”