MORE objections have been made in relation to plans for a new community hub.

The South Quay development in Pembroke is being led by Pembrokeshire County Council, with Asbri Planning Ltd carrying out a pre-application consultation for the second phase of the project.

The second phase of the project would see the existing public toilet at South Quay demolished and an extension to the listed building at 7 Northgate Street, and would provide a community hub with services for older people, learning and skills areas to support independent living, and continued education for people with disability, and supported employment opportunities.

The phase is now up for public consultation and, alongside the Pembroke Town Council objecting during its May 2023 meeting, a number of concerns have been raised.

In the planning application documents, Pembroke Civic Trust stated that they ‘strongly’ object to the application, citing the removal of public toilets and the new three-storey development will ‘tower above the existing three-storey Royal George.’

The application also stated that the bottom of the windows on the second floor will be above the top floor windows of the Royal George and that the alignment will be out of character for the area.

The trust also highlights how the height of the building will mean those who live on Caste Street will only be looking at the back of the building.

There are concerns about the public toilets as it would just leave two disabled units, meaning any events in the area with a large attendance will be hampered without ready access to the toilets.

The trust also stated that the development will have a modern appearance which does not fit with the surrounding area.

The Dyfed Archaeological Trust also raised concerns that there is potential for ground works to impact on archaeological deposits due to the location being 70m from Pembroke Castle.

They have requested a condition to be added to the plan stating that ‘no development should take place until a qualified and competent archaeologist has submitted a written scheme of investigation (WSI) for approval in writing by the local planning authority.

“This WSI will describe the different stages of the work and demonstrate that it has been fully resourced and given adequate time. On behalf of the local planning authority, their archaeological advisors (DAT DM) will monitor all aspects of this work through to the final discharging of the condition. This work will not be deemed complete until all aspects of the WSI have been addressed and the final report submitted and approved.”

The full planning application can be found at and searching for the reference 23/0257/PA. Any representations must be submitted by August 9 and can be done so at the website above or by writing to Head of Planning, County Hall, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire SA61 1TP and quoting the reference.