THE grounding of a ship in Pembrokeshire will be remembered 50 years on by a history group.

On August 5, 1973, the Dona Marika grounded off the coast of St. Ishmaels and it remained in place until early November that same year.

There will be a display about the grounding – with stories from those involved – and anyone living in or visiting St Ishmaels at the time is asked to share their stories with the Coastlands Local History Group which is hosting the display.

There were 20 men on the ship, four from St Ishmaels and the other 16 from elsewhere. Were you one of the crew on the ship? Or was a member of your family? The group would like to hear from you.

The group would also like to hear from anyone who may know why the name of the bell from the ship is Thorsorn and if you were one of the villagers over 18 who received 50p towards a celebratory drink.

The display will be held at St Ishmaels Sports & Social Club from 2pm to 5pm Friday, August 4; Saturday, August 5; Sunday, August 6 and from 4pm to 7pm on Monday, August 7.

Anyone who has any stories, photos or articles, can email and anyone with any of the above or is interested in learning more about the grounding, can pop into the sports and social club on the dates and times above.