County planners are expected to refuse a proposed new dwelling on land once owned by it, following a site visit.

The application for a two-storey house, together with associated works including alterations to access and the repositioning of and erection of a boundary wall, at land adjacent to 18 Summerhill, Stepaside, was previously recommended for refusal at the June meeting of the council’s planning committee.

At that meeting, members agreed to a site visit instead, with the application returning to the July 25 meeting, again recommended for refusal.

Local community council Amroth has objected to the proposed scale of applicant William Brooks’ development and the impact on the character and appearance of the area and amenity.

Nine letters of objection have also been received, along with two of support, the latter saying the plans will improve access arrangements for number 18 and ease parking arrangements within the cul-de-sac.

A report for planners said: “The site and 18 Summerhill were formerly owned by the council and subsequently sold.

“It is the intention of the applicant to purchase from the council a portion of the garden of [number] 17, which remains in council ownership, in order to improve the access from the turning head [in order to overcome the reasons for a previous refusal].

“The Council Property Division has, however, confirmed that it would resist such a sale.”

The application has previously been recommended for refusal for a string of reasons, including an adverse impact on neighbouring properties, and a failure to meet affordable housing criteria.

Speaking at the last meeting, Mr Brooks said an affordable housing contribution of nearly £26,000 was now being offered, and the application would reinstate a “turning head” in the area.

He told members he had previously received positive discussions about buying the parcel of land from chief executive Will Bramble, but had later been met with “a wall of silence” from officers.

Speaking on behalf of objectors at the last meeting, local resident Kelvin Thomas said the application would exacerbate an already difficult parking situation, saying it was “only a matter of time before there’s a serious incident”.