When ‘Thomas’ the Humber 8/18 Chummy was driven out of its factory on July 18, 1923, by proud owner WD Watkins of Tenby, little did anything think that a hundred years later the little two-seater would be motoring across Europe on a regular basis.

But this week, the magnificent classic celebrated its hundredth birthday just weeks after returning from yet another vintage car rally in Holland.

“It’s absolutely immaculate and tends to win absolutely everything it goes to,” commented its owner, Tim Davies of Kilgetty.

Tim’s father, the late Mr Owen Davies, discovered the Humber on a farm near Pembroke way back in 1952.

“When he found it, it was in a pretty sorry state and even had chickens playing in its boot,” said Tim.

“But despite its condition, my father decided to buy it and spent the following winter restoring it.

"He had a garage in Pembroke where he built quite a lot of racing cars and even raced in Silverstone, so naturally he had a very good understading of how a car like this should be restored.”

Western Telegraph: Owen Davies pictured in the Humber in that he restored in 1963Owen Davies pictured in the Humber in that he restored in 1963 (Image: Tim Davies)

Following Owen Davies’ death in 1964, the car was handed over to his son, Tim.

“I suppose I must share my father’s enthusiasm, but having said that, I did actually sell the car when I was involved in setting up a new business but fortunately, I was able to buy it back again.”

First introduced in 1923, the Humber Chummy is a two-seater described as 'a big car in miniature form', and was an early user of coil ignition.

The car was well equuipped, and despite weighing little over half a ton, offered good performance and was regularly used in motor trials.

The Humber Chummy cost £250 when new.

Tim's Humber, known affectionately as ‘Thomas’ after its founder Thomas Humber , went on his first European jaunt some 40 yeas ago when Tim drove it to Paris and then on, via rail, to the south of France.  From there they toured around the Mediterranean and earlier this year, the 1,200-mile round trip was completed yet again.

Western Telegraph: Tim's partner pictured alongside their Humber in Holland earlier this yearTim's partner pictured alongside their Humber in Holland earlier this year (Image: Tim Evans)

They also compete in the Paris to Deauville veteran car rally which they win on a regular basis.