Two kayakers blown offshore from Marros were rescued by Tenby’s all-weather lifeboat this morning, Sunday July 16.

The Haydn Miller was requested to launch at 11.40am and the volunteer crew were quickly on the water and made best speed to Marros, 3.5 miles north east of Tenby.

Tenby RNLI press officer Ben James said: "As the lifeboat was approaching Marros, the kayakers were spotted several hundred metres offshore, near the DZ1 buoy.

"They were taken aboard the lifeboat and whilst heading towards land, they were checked over to make sure they were not in need of medical assistance.

They were then taken ashore at Amroth using the Y-boat, where they were met by members of Tenby Coastguard Rescue Team."

The lifeboat then returned to station, arriving at 12.20pm.