A MAN accused of causing criminal damage at Neyland Yacht Club, stealing from a care home and breaching a restraining order put in place to protect his grandmother will return to court this week.

Dean Howells, 42, of no fixed abode, faces a series of charges from January 16 and 17 of this year.

He is accused of damaging an external door at the yacht club on January 16, and the following day, it is alleged that he broke into a portacabin at Neyland House Care Home in Neyland and stole confectionary and food items valued at approximately £15.

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Howells faces two further charges of breaching a restraining order which prevents him from having contact with his grandmother or visiting her property in Pembroke Dock. Both offences are alleged to have been committed on January 16 and 17.

The matter had been adjourned several times to allow for the preparation of psychiatric reports to ascertain whether Howells was fit to stand trial.

Last month, Judge Paul Thomas determined there was “no immediate prospect” of Howells being fit to stand trial.

“I have made the finding that he is unfit to plead,” he said at the previous hearing.

Howells’ case came back before the court on Monday, where it was confirmed that a hearing will be held on Thursday, July 13 to determine whether Howells did commit the offences.