Neyland’s Fire and Rescue Service entered another dimension last weekend when a car lost control and hit a wall during the town’s annual carnival.

Within seconds of the collision at around 2.30pm on Saturday afternoon, a crowd of clowns - who happened to be walking up towards the High Street from the Brunel Quay – were on the scene, together with their lightning-speed fire engine.

“We couldn’t believe our eyes,” commented one of the bystanders who was watching the carnival parade from the High Street.

“No sooner had the car lost control and crashed into the wall just after it turned into Cambrian Road than all these clowns turned up.

"I thought ‘What a good job all these strapping lads are about’, but then as soon as they started walking back towards us, I noticed that most of them were strapping ladies.

“They ran over to the driver to make sure everything was ok and then helped the vehicle re-position itself back on the road.

“And what tickled us more than anything was the fact that they turned up with their little red fire engine. You couldn’t make it up.

"It just goes to show that anything can happen in Neyland!”.

Western Telegraph:

It is understood that the driver was uninjured in the collision and the car was able to proceed safely on it's journey.