A MAN has been found guilty of an unprovoked attack on a night out at Sands Nightclub in Saundersfoot which fractured a man’s jaw.

Cameron Fisher has been on trial after he was accused of punching Paul Prater in the smoking area at the nightclub in the early hours of September 26, 2021.

Fisher, now 23, denied a charge of inflicting grievous bodily harm without intent.

His trial began on Wednesday, and, after three hours and 49 minutes of deliberations, the jury found Fisher guilty.

Josh Scouller, representing Fisher, made an application for a pre-sentence report based on his age and previous good character.

The judge, Recorder Neil Owen-Casey, granted the application and told Fisher he will be sentenced on August 1.

“At this stage, all options have to be considered,” he warned Fisher.

They jury had previously heard that Mr Prater was on a night out with friends, and had been talking to two women in the smoking area.

Prosecutor Ashanti-Jade Walton said Fisher approached the group asking for a cigarette, and after Mr Prater gave one to him, he joined the conversation.

“Out of nowhere and without reason, this defendant punched Mr Prater to the face,” Ms Walton said.

“He fell to the floor where he lay unconscious, covered in blood.”

The court heard that Mr Prater was taken to Glangwili Hospital, before being transferred to Morriston Hospital.

Mr Prater had suffered a fractured jaw, and required a metal plate to be fitted in surgery.

Ms Walton said the complainant did not remember the incident, but following and appeal on social media and through Dyfed-Powys Police, Fisher was identified.

Fisher, of Well Place in Cwmbach, Aberdare, had argued that he was “acting in self-defence” after the complainant “was in his face”.

Recorder Owen-Casey thanked the jury for their service.