Athletes training in Pembrokeshire for Ironman Wales and the Long Course Weekend are being asked to respect the county’s roads by not dropping their rubbish.

A weekend litter-pick in Saundersfoot and surrounds revealed no fewer than 15 discarded nutrition gel packets between Wisemans Bridge and the village centre.

These were found along the cycle route which is used daily in training by competitors in Ironman Wales and Activity Wales Events’ Long Course Weekend.

Saundersfoot South’s county councillor, Chris Williams, who organised the litter-pick, said: "We fully support athletes coming to Pembrokeshire, but please be respectful and make sure you leave the streets as you found them please.

"I appreciate that Activity Wales and Ironman ask their athletes to respect the surroundings and make sure they dispose of their waste correctly when their events are on.”

The litter-pick got under way early on Sunday June 11, with 12 volunteers covering many routes out of Saundersfoot village. 

One group headed along the beach while others carried on up High Street, Brewery Terrace, St Brides Hill to Broadfield Hill, and along the old tram line on Westfield Road.

Some went along to Wisemans Bridge along the coastal path, with another carrying on to the St Issell’s church and up to Hean Castle Estate and down to the toilets.

Cllr Williams added: "The amount of rubbish collected in just over an hour was incredible.

"I would personally like to thank all the volunteers who helped and Councillor Rhys Jordan for joining in with the residents of Saundersfoot."