A local commanding officer has been given a hero’s farewell, with a packed church, huge crowds and a guard of honour at his funeral.

Fishguard Sea Cadets Commanding Officer (CO), Chris Peake, died suddenly on the evening of Friday, May 12.

CO Lt Peake was held in high esteem both by his cadets and by the local community and members of both groups turned out in force to honour him and say their goodbyes at St Mary’s Church, Fishguard, last Thursday, June 1.

Western Telegraph: The sea cadets salute and stand to attention as CO Lt Peake's coffin is carried into the church.

Fishguard Sea Cadets, as well as staff from other sea cadet units in the district, senior officers from the national and area sea cadet organisation and Captain Sea Cadets, Captain Neil Downing RN, formed a guard of honour from the gate of the church to the door.

The cadets stood to attention and saluted as CO Lt Peake’s coffin was carried past, preceded by members of the clergy and First Lieutenant Steve Hughes who carried CO Lt Peake’s medals.

In one of the biggest funerals that Fishguard has seen, St Mary’s Church was packed, the service was broadcast to a large crowd outside who had also come to pay their respects.

Father Jordan Spencer, unit chaplain to Fishguard Sea Cadets and area chaplain to South West Area Sea Cadets, gave a warm and heartfelt eulogy, filled with anecdotes about CO Lt Peake from his family as well as his own personal recollections.

Western Telegraph: Sea cadets both local and national formed the guard of honour.

The church was filled with beautiful singing for the hymns; Bread of Heaven and For Those in Peril on the Sea. The last post was played by Luke Jenkins.

CO Lt Peake was carried into the church to Cold Play’s Fix You and left to Dire Strait’s Sultans of Swing.

After a service filled with emotion, love and respect, hundreds of people whose lives had been touched by CO LT Peake in one way or another stood on Fishguard Square as the cortege left.

Western Telegraph: Colleagues pay their respects to CO Lt Peake.

The wake was held in the Royal Oak, Fishguard.

CO Lt Peake’s widow, Donna, thanked the local community, friends and family and the sea cadet community for their support.

“The amount of people on the square and in the church was unbelievable and overwhelming,” she said.

“Fishguard Sea Cadets and the wider Sea Cadet family were absolutely amazing. Chris would have been so proud of them all.

Western Telegraph: A huge crowd gathered on Fishguard Square to  pay  tribute.

“We would like to thank everyone for supporting us through the worse three weeks of our lives.

“Chris has left a massive hole in our lives but with the love and support from everyone we will get through it.”

Western Telegraph: CO LT Peake was loved and respected by his cadets and their families for his dedication and

CO Lt Peake was loved and respected by his cadets and their families for his dedication and kindness.