When Dennis Evans donned the chains for his second term as Mayor of Pembroke, he didn’t hesitate in nominating the Paul Sartori Foundation as his charity of the year.

The Pembrokeshire based Hospice at Home charity has already benefitted from Cllr Evans’ previous successful fundraising events, with him being a voting member of the Foundation for a number of years.

He is also President of the senior’s section at Rosemarket Golf Club, where his President’s charity golf day raised over £400 for the charity. Also, collections and raffles held throughout the year raised an extra £250.00.

Other fundraising events consisted of a concert held in Monkton Priory Church, featuring Pembroke Male Voice Choir and Serendipity Ladies Choir from Narberth which raised over £400.  In March a parade of 300 RAF Air Cadets and a band of over 60 musicians paraded through Pembroke Main Street and into the Castle bringing colour and splendour to a very dismal day, during which the Paul Sartori bucket collection raised £355.

Dennis also applied for and obtained £500 funding from Pembroke Power Station, and forwarded a further £93 from his Mayor’s allowance to the charity. A recent cheque presentation was held in the Pembroke Town Hall at the King’s Coronation Afternoon Tea, where the Mayor of Pembroke presented a cheque for a fantastic £2,024 to Toni Dorkings, Community Fundraiser for Paul Sartori Foundation.

Dennis Evans said: “I am most grateful for all the help and support that I’ve received during my term of office and delighted that I have been able to support a very worthwhile local charity. Paul Sartori Foundation does tremendous work within the communities of Pembrokeshire.”

Paul Sartori Hospice at Home provides a range of services to Pembrokeshire people living in the final stages of a life-limiting illness, including home nursing care, equipment loan, complementary therapy, bereavement and counselling support, physiotherapy, advance care planning and training.

The services provided by the Paul Sartori Hospice at Home enable people in the later stages of any life-limiting illness to be cared for and to die at home with dignity, independence, pain free and surrounded by those they hold most dear, if that is their wish.

All of the services are free of charge and are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, thanks to the generosity of the Pembrokeshire Community.

Further information on the charity and its services can be obtained by visiting their website www.paulsartori.org, or by phoning 01437 763223.