Pressure is mounting on the Welsh Government to review one of Pembrokeshire’s worst accident blackspots following the death of motorcyclist Ashley Thomas Rogers earlier this month.

Ashley, 29, of Kilgetty was travelling along the A477 ‘Fingerpost’ junction between Milton towards Pembroke Dock when he was involved in a fatal road traffic collision on the morning of Saturday, May 13.

His death marked the third fatality on this particular stretch of road in the past 12 years.

Now campaigners are calling for urgent changes to be made to this treacherous stretch of road.

A petition, set up following Ashley’s death calling on the Welsh Governent to enforce immediate action, has already attracted over 3,000 signatures.

“This petition calls upon the Welsh Government to do the right thing and prioritise human life over trivial budgeting pressure" it reads.

"Further, there have been innumerable near misses on what is known locally as a 'black spot' for road traffic accidents. Enough is enough.”

Endorsing the campaign is Welsh secretary Simon Hart, who is also MP for Carmarthen West and south Pembrokeshire.

Western Telegraph: Simon Hart is calling for an urgent review of the junctionSimon Hart is calling for an urgent review of the junction (Image: Simon Hart)

“This is the third fatality at this spot in 12 years and there have also been numerous accidents," he said.

"I have been calling on the Welsh Government to put in a roundabout there ever since I became an MP, but in 2012 I was told by the then Transport Minister that on the basis of traffic volumes that use this junction, its upgrading to a roundabout is not currently justified.

“Myself, the local Senedd Members Angela Burns and Samuel Kurtz and county councillor Tessa Hodgson have continued to call for it to be made safer ever since.

“Maybe now the Welsh Government will take some action.”

Meanwhile Welsh Assemly member Sam Kurtz has described the situation as ‘non-negotiable.

“The Welsh Government must finally take action after the repeated accidents on the A477 that have caused needless heartache and loss of life,” he stated.  “Road safety is non-negotiable.”

Repeated calls to improve road safety at the Fingerpost accident blackspot have been made for many years, with local town council Pembroke raising its concerns with the Trunk Road Agency on many occasions.

It was previously told that ‘no significant issues’ had been raised with the National Assembly about Fingerpost safety, and there was no plan for a roundabout.

You can sign the petition by clicking on the blue link above.