Major development proposals to build 63 new dwellings on a greenfield site at Lamphey are coming under public scrutiny this month after developers Ateb launch their statutory pre-application consultation for Cleggar's Park.

Local residents are now being asked to consider all relevant drawings, reports and supplementary supporting documents before the Ateb Group applies to Pembrokshire County Council for full planning permission.

The developments proposals will see 63 one and two storey dwellings being constructed on land south of Cleggar’s Park, which is an area allocated in the current LDP.

The rectangular site measures approximately 2.42 hectares (5.99 acres) and consists of a level grassland field with associated mixed native species hedgerows and trees. 

It is located to the south of the village and is bounded by residential development to the north and west, with agricultural land to the east and south.

The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park boundary is to the immediate south of the site. Access to the site exists from Freshwater East Road.

Lamphey is recognised as a ‘service village’ with a petrol filling station and shop, a primary school, community hall, post office, pub, church and good bus and rail links.

Twelve of the proposed new dwellings will be affordable homes with the remaining classed as ‘market homes’.

“The main aim for this site is to provide a range of residential solutions set within the desirable village of Lamphey and closely connected to the historic town of Pembroke and Freshwater East,” Ateb confirms in its design statement.

“The homes will be set within an attractive, inclusive environment that enhances and adds to the local community, supporting a strong sense of identity, stewardship, and community value.

“Specific to this site, the development should integrate considerately with the existing community, provide open space for residents and visitors and complement local design vernacular.”

Western Telegraph: The layout, with affordable homes highlighted.The layout, with affordable homes highlighted. (Image: Amity Planning.)

The proposed development can be viewed at

Anyone wishing to make representations is asked to do so by June 14, 2023.

This can be done by post to Amity Planning ('Cleggar's Park, Lamphey’), Suite 212, Creative Quarter, Cardiff, CF10 1AF or by email