A £10,000 donation has been made to the Pembrokeshire-based charity, Paul Sartori Hospice at Home, by a trust which supports hospices throughout the UK.

The Albert Hunt Trust, which funds a range of UK registered charities, has supported Paul Sartori Hospice at Home, over many years.

This support is vital for the charity to continue to provide the range of support to many local families with a life-limiting diagnosis, especially during the cost-of-living crisis with rising costs putting a strain on many charities.

This grant will contribute towards the flexible and responsive home nursing care service delivered in the county by the team at Paul Sartori Hospice at Home.

The support provided by the charity is regarded as ‘invaluable’, a ‘great comfort’ and makes ‘a difficult time so much easier’.

The Albert Hunt Trust was established in recognition of the successful businessman, Mr Albert Hunt, who died in 1957. He left his business jointly to two ladies - his niece, Miss Florence I Reakes and Miss Mary K Coyle.

They established the Trust in Albert Hunt’s name in 1979 and on their deaths bequeathed the bulk of their estates to the Trust, providing it with a significant endowment.

Laura Hugman, clinical team manager at Paul Sartori Hospice at Home, said: “The home nursing care team is dedicated in providing this much-needed support to local families, enabling those at the end of life to die at home, if that is their wish.

"The charity can only do this through donations such as this from the Albert Hunt Trust.”

“This regular support makes a big difference to our charity - the Albert Hunt Trust have been a terrific support to our charity over the years.”

Jane Deller Ray, operations manager at the Albert Hunt Trust, added: “The Albert Hunt Trust has been steadfast in providing unrestricted core funding for hospice support throughout the UK for many years.

“Paul Sartori Hospice at Home has been one such hospice to have received regular awards to help fund the delivery of services to local families in Pembrokeshire.”

For more information on the charity, and its services, visit www.paulsartori.org, or phone 01437 763223.