Tenby’s new mayor, postman Dai Morgan, has taken office with a promise that he will deliver for the town – with a focus on its youth.

He was installed in a ceremony in the town’s mayor’s parlour on Friday evening, May 12, where history was made when he was serenaded by a fellow town councillor.

Musician Cllr Duncan Whitehurst broke into song to propose Cllr Morgan as mayor, with his tuneful rendition being greeted with cheers and applause.

Cllr Morgan takes over as mayor from Cllr Sam Skyrme-Blackhall who has served three consecutive terms of office.

She told him: “You will be a wonderful mayor, a great ambassador for this town and a tremendous First Citizen.”

Western Telegraph: Cllr Dai Morgan will be working with a 'can do, will do' attitude, he promised.Cllr Dai Morgan will be working with a 'can do, will do' attitude, he promised. (Image: Gareth Davies Photography)

Cllr Morgan revealed how he had fought a battle against his fitness and weight to complete Ironman Wales in 2015 and to complete a 285-mile charity cycle ride.

This was an illustration that he was determined to see his goals through, he said, and promised he would bring the attributes of ‘positivity, drive, vision and a willingness to make a difference’ to the mayoral role.

“I have a ‘can do, will do’ attitude in buckets,” he assured.

The new mayor said that one of his main goals would be to work with the youth of Tenby.

“We have some fantastic young talented people in this town, and I don’t believe they are given a fair chance, let alone listened to,” he said.

“We need to engage, listen and empower our young people.

“I honestly believe we have a very good chance to do something very special in Tenby if we all work together.”

‘Working together’ was also a key theme for Cllr Skyrme-Blackhall, as she looked back at her three years as mayor which encompassed the difficult times of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Thanking the town for her honour in being mayor, she said: “But we did ok.

“And we did because we are a strong community, working together – and working for each other.”

She added: “This council now has a much greater focus on reaching out and supporting our community.

“Through our community engagement, our work with volunteers, with gardens, with improving accessibility, supporting dementia, plastic free projects, warm rooms, supporting young people’s work – all progress but all with lots more to do.

“But I know now, what I did know at the start – we do that best when we do it together.”

Western Telegraph: He backs me, and I back him, said new mayor Cllr Morgan, as he appointed Cllr Charles Dale as his deputy.He backs me, and I back him, said new mayor Cllr Morgan, as he appointed Cllr Charles Dale as his deputy. (Image: Gareth Davies Photography)

Cllr Morgan will be supported by his partner, Melanie Lewis, as mayoress, with well-known actor Cllr Charles Dale taking on the role of deputy mayor.

Cllr Dale praised Cllr Skyrme-Blackhall – who is also the county councillor for Tenby South – for doing ‘an extraordinary job in keeping the community together during Covid.

Re-appointed as the mayoral ‘bodyguards’ of Sergeant-at-Arms and Sergeant-at-Mace were the Rev John Morgan and Denise Cousins.

The mayor-making ceremony was followed by a civic reception in the De Valence Pavilion.