Models are needed for a charity fashion show organised by a Pembrokeshire photographer to help three local charities.

Sian Walker is organising a charity fundraising fashion show in aid of Pembrokeshire Cancer Support, Greenacres Animal Rescue.

“Many people are feeling the effects of the cost of living crisis,” said Sian. “People are finding it hard to live just day to day and have had to give up many things which are now classed as luxuries, just to put food on the table.

“This crisis has had an impact on all charities, especially our local ones, where more people are having to rely on them to provide extra help. This is putting more pressure on the charities as they are stretched to cope with the situation.”

Sian said that she is organising the fashion show as a way of giving back to local charities and the community.

“I think it's important to help our local charities,” she said. “I decided on a few local organisations that mean something to me personally, a way of saying thank you for the great work they do.”

Pembrokeshire Cancer support (PCS) in Pembroke Dock was established in 1991 by Doreen Wormell who felt that there was a gap between being diagnosed with cancer and coming to terms with the diagnosis. 

As well as the charity shop PCS also offers space for a chat, relaxation  sessions, card and craft and surviving stress relaxation as well as a quiet room and complimentary therapies. 

Greenacres Animal Rescue was opened in 2008 to provide the rescue, care and re-homing of unwanted and abused animals.

This is a charity close to Sian’s heart as she adopted her 10 year old black cat Minnie from them two years ago.


“With the cost of living crisis they are really struggling,” said Sian. “Vet’s bills in December 2022 totalled £18,000 and with gas and electric rising they are having to spend around £4,000 a month on that.”

Sian’s third charity is Mencap/Stackpole walled gardens. This opened in 1983 and provided work experience for people with learning disabilities, giving them a safe outdoor space to enjoy.

At the gardens students learn a range of life skills including health and safety and personal and social development skills.

“My family has been visiting Stackpole for many years. We love to have a walk around the gardens then have a nice warm bowl of soup or slice of cake afterwards in the tearoom,” said Sian.

“They really do amazing work and donations and volunteers are always needed.”

Sian’s charity fashion show will take place on Friday the 23rd June 2023 in Kilgetty. For more information, or if you would like to be a model or get involved, email


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