A drink driver who was more than twice over the limit as he drove a lorry in Milford docks has lost his licence and must pay more than £700.

Carl Hodson admitted driving his Scania Lorry tractor unit while over the drink drive limit when he appeared at Haverfordwest Magistrate Court on Tuesday, March 7.

Hodson, 55, was stopped on November 18 last year while driving at Milford Docks.

A sample of blood taken in custody revealed 175 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood, more than twice the drink drive limit which is 80 milligrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood.

Hodson, of Darwin Court, Whitchurch, was disqualified from driving for 22 months. He is able to get this reduced by 22 weeks completing a safe driver course, he must apply to take this by June 5 next year.

Hodson was also ordered to pay a £475 fine, £85 costs and a £190 victim surcharge.

This must be paid in full by May 2 this year.

Magistrates said that they took Hodson’s early guilty plea into account when passing sentence.


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