A paedophile who destroyed the windscreen of his neighbour’s Volkswagon caddy while on a suspended prison sentence has avoided prison ‘by the skin of his teeth’.

Daniel Tyler, 33, of Havens Park, Milford Haven, appeared in front of Judge His Honour PH Thomas KC for sentencing today, Thursday, March 2.

He had previously admitted intentionally destroying the windscreen of a blue Volkswagon Caddy on February 2 this year and using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour, causing the same neighbour harassment, alarm or distress.

In committing these offences Tyler was in breach of a suspended sentence imposed by Swansea Crown Court on January 24 for four charges of attempting to sexually communicate with a child.

On that occasion Tyler had been communicating with four separate profiles, that he believed were owned by children as young as 12, on Facebook during a week-long period in November 2020.


He asked two of them to send him pictures of themselves showing private parts and in school uniform and sent all four pictures of his erect penis. In all four accounts, he asked questions about sexual activity.

Unbeknown to Tyler, the accounts were decoy accounts.

In mitigation on that occasion it was said that Tyler had learning difficulties, mental health and substance issues and had only just got out of a coercive relationship.

For these offences Tyler was given a one-year prison sentence, suspended for 24 months. He was also given a rehabilitation activity requirement and made subject of notification requirements for 10 years and a 10-year sexual harm prevention order.

Tyler appeared in front of Judge Thomas last Monday for sentencing for criminal damage and harassment. However, the judge adjourned sentencing until today.


Judge Thomas remanded Tyler in custody at HM prison Swansea for the intervening period.

Tyler’s defence solicitor, Dean Pulling, told the court: “This has been his first experience of custody. He did not find it a pleasant experience. It was a very frightening experience for him which will stay with him for a long time. He is unlikely to forget it.”

Judge Thomas said that Tyler had been give a suspended sentence for a very serious offence and warned that he would be sent to prison for any further offending.

“In a matter of days you breached the suspended sentence for an entirely different type of offence. An offence which caused your neighbour loss and inconvenience and disturbed the peace. The reason is that you had been drinking wine.”

He said that on Monday he was going to send Tyler to prison for ten months but was ‘persuaded by Mr Pulling that I should think about it’.

He said that he was not surprised that Tyler had found prison unpleasant, but for this offence he was not going impose a period of custody.

“You have avoided prison by the skin of your teeth,” he said. “You will not be getting any more chances.”

He added 150 hours of unpaid work to the suspended sentence order and told Tyler he must pay his neighbour £75 compensation.

He also imposed a 12-month conditional discharge for both the harassment and criminal damage offence.

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