A SCREENING of a special film will be held in Pembrokeshire this month.

Pembrokeshire Friends of the Earth will host a screening of The Oil Machine as part of a UK-wide programme to explore the energy crisis.

Bettina Becker, a member of Pembrokeshire Friends of the Earth, said: "We're hosting this screening to inspire and encourage discussion about the role of oil and gas in our local community.

“Our screening and discussion are a chance for people to learn more about the complexities of our energy system and what they can do to make a difference.”

The Oil Machine was released last November to coincide with Cop27 and is directed by Emma Davie (Becoming Animal, I Am Breathing) and produced by Sonja Henrici (Merkel, Time Trial).

It explores the economic, historical and emotional entanglement with fossil fuels, looking at the conflicts around North Sea oil and gas. It explores the complexities of transitioning away from oil and gas.


Some of the names of those involved in the film include Holly Gillibrand – who has been dubbed ‘Scotland’s Greta,’ Kevin Anderson, professor of energy and climate change at Manchester University, Emeka Emembolu who was senior vice president North Sea for BP, RMT Union’s regional organiser Jake Molloy, Crude Britannia co-author James Marriott and Mikaela Loach, and Edinburgh student who took the UK Government to court.

Ms Davies said: “We are delighted that a screening is being hosted by Pembrokeshire Friends of the Earth and would encourage as many people as possible to get involved.

“Now more than ever it is vital we understand what is happening in the North Sea and the choices before us.

“Every part of our country, every sector of our community is affected by this, and the participation of local voices is essential if we are to build public support for the ambitious changes that are needed.”

Pembrokeshire Friends of the Earth will be screening The Oil Machine at Queen’s Hall, Narberth on Sunday, March 12 at 7.30pm. Entry is free and there will be refreshments available from 7pm and an opportunity to discuss the film and situation around oil.

To attend this event visit https://www.theoilmachine.org/


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