A PEMBROKESHIRE music venue has been given funds which will hopefully put an end to noise complaints.

Queens Hall in Narberth has been given £1,717.67 from Music Venue Trust which will be used to buy new soundproof windows in a bit to combat noise complaints.

A Queens Hall spokesperson said: “We needed this funding so we are able to upgrade our existing windows stage left which have been in place for over 25 years and which aren’t soundproofed, and are not in any way insulated.

“We are delighted we can now replace with sound-proofed windows which will minimise any sound disruption on gig nights and which will insulate the hall much more efficiently, which is hugely important as we see the cost of heating rise exponentially.


“We are very grateful to Music Venue Trust for this funding because we have been able to address two concerns – firstly, the energy/heat leakage in the hall which not only wasted money but also meant our patrons, staff and customers were often feeling cold in winter months, and secondly, the soundproofing of the windows which helped us to minimise sound disruption to our neighbours, and which is so important due to our town centre location with residential areas all around.”

Music Venue Trust is a charity which helps to keep music venues running. The money was provided as part of the pipeline investment fund, where grassroots music venues in the UK can apply for up to £5,000 in grants for small scale capital projects or staff and training programmes.

The fund was established last year with support from members of the Music Venues Alliance and was initially funded by donations from ticket sales for the Music Venues Trust recent ‘revive live’ programme of events around the UK.

In December, the first round of payment saw £40,000 go to 11 venues, with 14 more gaining almost £70,000 in January and Queens Hall is one of 13 venues to be awarded a total of £55,203 this month.


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