A crown court trial date has been set for a man accused of inflicting grievous bodily harm during an alleged incident at a Pembrokeshire nightclub.

Cameron Fisher, 22, appeared at Swansea Crown Court today, Monday, February 20, to deny inflicting grievous bodily harm on another man in the beer garden of Sands Nightclub in Saundersfoot.

The assault is alleged to have happened on September 26, 2021.

Western Telegraph: Sands nightclub in Saundersfoot. Sands nightclub in Saundersfoot. (Image: Web)

Fisher, of Cwm Bach, Aberdare elected a crown court trial when he appeared in front of Haverfordwest Magistrates Court last month.

Today, Judge Her Honour Catherine Richards KC set a trial date for July 5 this year. She said she anticipated the trial lasting two to three days.


Judge Richards told Fisher that he had until April 25 to prepare his defence statement.

She told him that he must attend the trial; if he did not he would be committing a criminal offence and could be tried in his absence without representation.

Fisher was released on unconditional bail until his trial in July.


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