A mouth-watering feast in aid of three charities is being served up soon by the Manorbier Newton fundraisers.

The group's popular Soup and Pudding lunch will take place on Saturday February 18 in Lamphey Village Hall.

The money raised will help Pembrokeshire children's bereavement charity Sandy Bear; Homeless Pembrokeshire, which provides emergency rough sleeper packs and food parcels and an outreach service and foodbank provider the Trussell Trust, which has a base in Pembroke Dock.


Tasty home-made soups served with bread and cheese and a stunning selection of desserts - including cheesecake, roulade and bread and butter pudding - will be on offer, with takeaways also available.

Tea and coffee will also be served and there will also be a raffle.

"It would be lovely to see our regular supporters as well as new guests," said one of the fundraising team. "Have a catch up with friends, treat the family or just spoil yourself - and all for three wonderful charities."

The lunch on Saturday February 18 at Lamphey Village Hall will be served from 11.30am to 1.30pm, and admission is £7.

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