Postman Dai Morgan has a first-class challenge awaiting him – leading the troubled Tenby Town Council into a new era.

In May, Dai, 42, will become the next mayor of the town.

He put his name forward for the office at last Tuesday’s meeting of the town council, the same meeting where five letters of resignation had earlier been handed in from members.

Three former mayors were amongst those quitting the council, including taxi driver Tony Brown who said he was tired of ‘battling’ with a ‘split council’.

No other member indicated that they wished to take on the role, including the current mayor, Cllr Sam Skyrme-Blackhall – who is also the county councillor for Tenby South - who has served three consecutive terms of office.

Cllr Dai Morgan is no stranger to civic duty, having stood in as macebearer on a couple of occasions.

But his workplace uniform is slightly more informal.

In his role as a postman working out of the Narberth office, he covers Tenby, Narberth and Whitland.

“So I get to meet lots of people and yes, I am one of those posties who wear shorts all year,” he said.


Dai, who lives in Tenby with his partner Melanie, son Miles and daughter Erin, is a keen cyclist and runner and triathlete, and completed Ironman Wales in 2016.

He’s involved with various charities, including the Tenby Boxing Day Swim committee and in 2019 organised the Harten400 - a charity cycle ride from Harrogate to Tenby.

Eighteen riders completed 286 miles non-stop in 36 hours, with several thousand pounds raised for The British Heart Foundation.

Dai said he was "excited and looking forward to representing Tenby and the people of the town."

He added: "As mayor-elect for 2023/2024, it’s a huge privilege to follow in the footsteps of many great people who have been mayor of the town.

"I am looking forward to the next 12 months.

"In the last six months, we have recruited new staff to support community activity and we have supported our existing staff and made it possible for them to spend more time on helping the people of Tenby and less time on organising meetings.

"We have also been trying to be more environmentally friendly and I want us to do more on this.

"This builds a great platform for us as a council to engage more with the community.

"I believe we should be working with and listening to the people of Tenby more, involving them on anything they feel that needs addressing.

"Our doors are always open, so call in the office, come to a meeting or chat to me as I wander around in my shorts with your post!"


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