The Wales Cancer Network has launched a three-year improvement plan, which is set to benefit patients and cancer healthcare professionals across Wales.

The action plan aims to improve cancer patient outcomes and enhance patient experience.

It focuses on preventing cancer, diagnosing it earlier and faster, treating patients with the most effective treatments and supporting them and their carers through and beyond this cancer pathway.

The Cancer Improvement Plan outlines how national cancer waiting times for treatment will be reduced, through quick one-stop diagnostic centres, delivering National Optimal Pathways for cancer (adhering to Welsh Government targets), the use of technology and innovations and national collaborative working across health board boundaries.

Claire Birchall, Wales Cancer Network Manager said: “The Wales Cancer Network is committed to delivering sustainable and measurable improvements in cancer services by supporting healthcare professionals to implement the actions outlined in the Cancer Improvement Plan.

“Improved cancer patient care is at the heart of this plan, with an agenda to deliver improvements in diagnosis, treatment effectiveness and cancer patient experience across all Health Boards and Trusts in Wales.”

Eluned Morgan, the Minister for Health and Social Services, said: “With one in two of us developing cancer of some kind during our lifetime, cancer will affect all of our lives at some point. For those people who develop cancer, we need to ensure that quality services are available to support and treat them quickly and appropriately to ensure the most positive health outcomes possible.

"This has been a very challenging time for our health service, but I am pleased to see that work is being done to improve cancer services. We will continue to invest in cancer services and work with the NHS to improve the quality of care and patient outcomes."

Professor Tom Crosby, clinical director for Cancer in Wales said: “Cancer and wider healthcare services are unprecedented pressure. It is beholden on all those leading, planning and delivering cancer services to do everything possible to deliver the best possible patient outcomes during challenging times.

“The good news is that we have a good idea how to improve patient outcomes and this Improvement Plan describes what we need to do to achieve what the public and patients of Wales deserve.”

Cancer organisations across Wales have welcomed the news, but have called on the plan to be put into place as soon as possible. 

Richard Pugh, head of partnerships for Macmillan Cancer Support in Wales said: “We wholeheartedly welcome this plan, as for many years Macmillan has been calling for the strategic direction and national leadership required to put Wales’ cancer services back on track.

“Through the rising tide of pressures created by the coronavirus pandemic Wales’ cancer services have been forced to take countless steps backwards, with many of the improvements made in cancer care over the last decade having been washed away despite the valiant efforts of NHS staff.  The publication of this new plan is a vital first step in stemming this retreat."

Judi Rhys MBE, chief executive of Tenovus Cancer Care said: “We welcome the long-awaited Cancer Improvement Plan, something Tenovus Cancer Care has repeatedly called for and contributed to. A comprehensive strategy and clear direction is an important first step to improving outcomes for people affected by cancer in Wales.

“Right now, it is just that – a first step. These are simply words on a page. At a time when more people than ever are living with cancer in Wales, we need action to save lives."