Pembrokeshire has been named as the best recycling county in the whole of Wales.

The news was confirmed this week following the release of all Welsh local authority recycling rates throughout 2021 and 2022.

Leading the field was Pembrokeshire which currently recycles an impressive 73.2 per cent of all its waste, closely followed by Bridgend with 72.6 per cent.

Ceredigion came in at fifth place with 69.6 per cent, which still exceeds the Welsh Government's recycling target of 64 per cent.

This is the third year running that Pembrokeshire’s recycling rates are the highest in Wales.

Cllr Rhys Sinnett, Cabinet Member for Community Services, said the figure was outstanding.

“As Wales is ranked third in the world for recycling, this is a massive achievement by everyone in Pembrokeshire,” he commented.

“I would like to thank every household in the county for getting behind this important aspect of reducing our carbon footprint and making Pembrokeshire a cleaner and greener place to live, as well as all our collection crews, waste and recycling centre staff, and everyone behind the scenes for helping us to achieve this.”

Cllr Sinnett said the new multi-stream household collection scheme launched in 2019 had been vital in achieving the county's improved recycling rates.

But never complacent, Pembrokeshire County Council is continuing to make the service even better.


“We’ve launched a handy new feature on our website to help you check if something can be recycled, and which bag or container to put it in,” he said.

“And don’t forget that things can be recycled from all round the house, not just the kitchen, like shampoo bottles, deodorant cans and household batteries.”

 To find out more about recycling in Pembrokeshire, click on