Do you have any spare time to support people who are well enough to return home from hospital but who still need a little help to get back on their feet?

Could you help with things like shopping, dog walking, light housework, and collecting prescriptions?

Or maybe you could give someone a lift home from hospital, or simply be on the end of a phone for a friendly chat to check people are doing OK?

These are just a few examples of specific ways in which members of the public can volunteer their help with Operation Nightingale 23 – an emergency social care campaign launched by Pembrokeshire County Council and partners to reduce the current pressure in local hospitals.

The campaign’s aim is to reduce the number of patients who are ready to leave hospital but who need care or support in order to return home and make a full recovery.

Work being carried out by the council includes the short-term deployment of staff into community support, open and fast-track recruitment drives, and creating extra social work capacity.

But communities and volunteers can also help the campaign, said Darren Mutter, interim director of Social Care and Housing & Head of Children’s Services.

“There are a variety of activities that have the potential to have an immediate impact, which are suitable for anyone who wishes to volunteer.

“We know how strong our local communities are from our experience of Covid.

“We’re now hoping that they will be able to step forward and help alleviate this very difficult situation.”

Right now, the campaign is looking for volunteers to support the PIVOT service, a partnership set up to help people return home from hospital or stay at home to recover rather than being admitted. 

So, if you have any time to spare and want to help people get well and live well in their own homes and communities either by volunteering for PIVOT or in any other way, please get in touch with Pembrokeshire Community Hub on 01437 723660.


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