The future of one of Pembrokeshire's top community events is under threat.

For many years, Narberth's Civic Week and Carnival have been amongst the summer highlights in Pembrokeshire.

The seven days of family fun includes a baby show, pet show, pram push, children's sports, quizzes and even worm-charming. The week culminates with the colourful carnival that brings the town to a standstill as the lively floats make their way around the street.

But there are now fears that the Narberth Civic Week committee will not be able to organise the 2023 event because of a lack of committee members.

At a committee meeting on Wednesday evening, January 25, members were 'extremely concerned' to hear that, due to other commitments, another member was standing down.


Civic Week chairman Chris Walters said: "This means that three serving committee members have left since last year’s carnival.

"The reality is that there are now only five people on the committee.

"Civic Week cannot be run like this so unless more people volunteer to come on board, this year’s Civic Week and carnival is in jeopardy."

Mr Walters is now appealing for more committee members, and anyone else interested, to go along to the Civic Week agm in Narberth Rugby Club at 7.30pm on Wednesday March 1.

In a message to townspeople, he added: "If you value Civic Week and carnival and wish for it to continue, please come along and offer your support and assistance.

"This invite is also extended to any group, organisation or charity who is willing to help us.

"We hope you are able to attend our next meeting."

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