A MILFORD Haven man has been spared jail for attempting to communicate with four children.

Daniel Tyler, 32, of Herbrandston, Milford Haven, appeared at Swansea Crown Court on January 24 for sentencing after admitting four charges of attempting to sexually communicate with a child.

Mr Simpson, prosecuting, told the court Tyler had been communicating with four separate profiles who he believed to be owned by children as young as 12-years-old on Facebook during a week-long period in November 2020.

In all four cases, the defendant had asked for their ages and told them his own age – 30 at the time of the offences – and began talking in sexually explicit ways including asking if they ‘want to see my willy.’

He even told one that she ‘should be careful’ and that he was ‘concerned’ for her, before sending pictures of himself and saying that she would be ‘a great wife.’

The profile – which, like the others, was a decoy – sent him a message asking ‘what’s up?’ to which he responded ‘my willy lol.’

He told the four accounts that he would be ‘coming’ for them and that he was going to kidnap them, ending the message with ‘lol.’

He asked two of them to send him pictures of themselves showing private parts and in school uniform and sent all four pictures of his erect penis. In all four accounts, he asked questions about sexual activity.


Mr Bulling, defending, told the court that his client had no previous convictions for these types of offences and had learning difficulties alongside other mental health conditions.

He explained how he was in a coercive relationship which he only recently got out of and had substance issues.

Recorder P. Hobson, sentencing Tyler, told him ‘You are a paedophile and you need to face up to that.”

He brushed aside a comment in the pre-sentence report that Tyler did not know the age of consent, stating: “You made reference to it in the messages, saying you would go to prison if you had sex with the profiles.”

He handed down a one-year prison sentence, suspended for 24 months.

He is subject to a rehabilitation activity requirement and a programme requirement and made subject of notification requirements for 10 years and a 10-year sexual harm prevention order.

A deprivation order was also made relating to the mobile phone in question.

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