Parents and carers of pupils of the fire-damaged Manorbier School have been told by the county’s education chief that that while ‘work is ongoing behind the scenes’ for a return to the building, lessons will continue in a temporary setting.

Last October the school was devastated by a blaze which broke out in its roof space.

Pupils and staff were successfully evacuated with no injuries.


Since then, a ‘school from school’ has been successfully set up in Jameston Vllage Hall.

Recent concerns over the school’s future have been raised by Pembrokeshire County Council’s schools and learning scrutiny committee chair, Cllr Huw Murphy.

He visited the school site and its temporary location with local county councillor Phillip Kidney.

The councillors praised the school staff for their work to create a ‘warm and welcoming’ environment in Jameston Community Hall.

But they understood that the hall trustees have now expressed concern as to how long the temporary school arrangement will remain before the hall is returned to its original purpose of hosting community activities.

Councillor Murphy assured that he would raise questions with the county council as to when renovation work would commence and when pupils and staff could expect to return to their much-missed school.

He added: "The least we can do as a responsible authority is keep parents, staff, pupils and community leaders regularly updated as to the progress with regards to rebuilding timescales and if there are delays why, since no one should be left in limbo, especially given the traumatic experience this community."

Director of education Steven Richards-Downes, sent a letter yesterday, Friday January 20, to parents and carers.

He said: “Further to the events of 10 October 2022 and the fire which caused so much damage to the school, I wish to provide you with an assurance that work remains ongoing behind the scenes in to what is a complex situation.”

He reported that the ‘challenging’ aftermath of the fire has included the fire investigation work, building safety, matters involving the St David’s Diocese, and insurance.

“In relation to the latter, there are a number of outstanding issues which are ongoing and which will need to be resolved before matters can be concluded," he added.

“In view of this I envisage that the school will need to continue to operate from Jameston Community Hall for the time being."

Nr Richards-Downes aded that he had been informed earlier in the week that the school building had been broken into with damage sustained to an isolated area.

He said:"We are working closely with the police as part of their enquiries."

Naturally I will ensure that parents and members of the governing body are kept appraised of the situation regarding the school and will provide further updates in due course.

A Pembrokeshire County Council spokesman commented: “Pembrokeshire County Council has today issued letters to provide an update to the Headteacher, staff, Governors and parents and carers of Manorbier VC School.

“As explained in the letter, the matter is a complex one with a number of parties involved. “The council’s priority from day one has been ensuring that the school is able to operate for the benefit of the children attending the school. The council reiterates its ongoing appreciation to Manorbier Community Council for the use of Jameston Hall.

“We reviewed the situation concerning the ongoing use of the hall prior to the end of the autumn term 2022,and will do so again before the end of the current spring term.

“It remains too early to attempt to put any timescale on any restoration of the school to its previous state but the school community will be provided with further updates in due course.”

In his letter, Mr Richards-Downes added: "Needless to say that I am extremely grateful to the proprietor of Buttyland Caravan Park in providing assistance as part of the school’s evacuation arrangements, and allowing the school to continue to operate in the immediate aftermath of the fire, and to Manorbier Community Council for the use of Jameston Community Hall in the subsequent period.

"I am aware that the last three months have been difficult, but that the availability of Jameston Community Hall has meant that the school has been able to continue with its work.

"Indeed, I am grateful to the governing body, the Headteacher and all staff for their work in ensuring that any adverse impact on the children has been kept to a minimum."