Pembrokeshire motorists are being urged caution this week after a driver discovered an unexplained cable tie attached to her windscreen wiper.

The discovery was made by the motorist near Hook on Thursday morning. The police were subsequently informed.

Motorists, particularly those who drive wheelchair accessible vehicles, are now being urged to be mindful of similar targeting. These include volunteers, home carers and Pembrokeshire voluntary transport drivers.

“The cable tie had been attached to my windscreen but I had the sense not to get out to check what was inhibiting my clear vision,” said the motorist.

“I drove to a safe place to park, got out to check and then removed a large table tie from the windscreen wiper.

“My concern was that I may have been targeted by a person or a gang who was watching me and waiting for me to get out of the car to check. This would then have given them the opportunity to jump, steal or attack me.


“Of course this may not be the case, but we do hear of these kinds of things happening.”

Motorists are being urged not to get out of their vehicles once they discover an unusual object on their car. Instead they are advised to drive to a secure place before checking.