A 27-year-old plumber who led police officers on a night-time car chase through Pembroke Dock at speeds of up to 60mph has narrowly avoided a jail sentence.

Despite seeing the police vehicle’s blue flashing lights requiring him to pull over, Dylan Cooper continued racing his BMW through Victoria Road.

“Police officers pursued him and the blue lights were on for the majority of the chase,” Crown Prosecutor Ann Griffiths told Haverfordwest magistrates this week.

“But the defendant continued to weave in and out of residential streets, he failed to stop at junctions and recordings on the police vehicle showed that he reached speeds of up to 60mph despite being in a 20 or 30 mile and hour restricted area.”

The chase took place at around midnight on November 11.

“And as a result, the incident took place in darkness,” added Ms Griffiths.

Eventually Cooper brought his BMW to a standstill but then ran off.

Police officers subsequently had to carry out another chase, this time on foot. When Cooper was apprehended, he refused to provide both a breath and a blood sample for further analysis.

Cooper, of St Davids Road, Pembroke, pleaded guilty to four charges, namely failing to stop when required to do so by a police officer; driving dangerously; failing to provide a blood specimen for analysis and failing to provide a breath specimen for analysis.

He was represented in court by solicitor David Williams who said his client had ‘panicked’ when he realised he was being pursued by police officers.

“He has deep regrets for what he has done and realises that he reacted in completely the wrong way,” he said.

The solicitor went on to say that Cooper is employed as a plumber with a local maintenance company.

“His employers speak very well of him,” he said.

“He also has a young son who is three weeks old so I please urge you to suspend this sentence, because it’s accepted that it crosses the custody threshold.”


After a lengthy deliberation, magistrates conceded with David Williams’ request.

Dylan Cooper was given a 12 month prison sentence suspended for two years.

He must also carry out 15 days of a rehabilitation activity requirement and 150 hours of unpaid work.

He was banned from driving for three years and has been ordered to take an extended driving test before resuming driving. He must also pay a £187 court surcharge and £85 costs.